Pharos Navigator IoT platform
PlatformUptake.eu is pleased to feature the Pharos Navigator IoT platform on its Open Information Hub, as a platform that is active in the AHA/AAL domain. The platform is developed and maintained by GOLEM Integrated Microelectronics Solutions, an SME based in Vienna, Austria.
The platform allows rapid development of next generation intelligent digital twins of BSS (Big Systems of Sytems). Some of its most important applications are personalised conversational multimodal virtual assistants, helping to manage individual health of people in smart homes or hospitals, holistic operations of enterprises, farms, buildings, cities, regions and even countries. The key elements of this new technology platform are as follows:
- Strong underlying system and data science methodology of modelling of Cyber-Bio-Physical Systems (CPS) accumulate the operational knowledge for the sustainable management target BSS
- High-level tools for rapid development of target CPS knowledgebases representing its complex structures with large number of smart object nodes each having own KPIs and heterogeneous data sources
- Linking the CPS to its multiple data sources including IoT sensors, meters, wearables, robots, drones, vehicles, user mobiles, automated systems and web services
- Using all wireless connectivity options 4G/5G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5, Zigbee 3, Lora, LAN/WAN
- Building upon major Open Source software components and libraries to minimize end user costs including Ubuntu, kubernetes, node.js, Apache, Kafka, PostgreSQL, poco C++, qt5, jQuery, d3.js, GIS Open Street Maps, interoperable IoT interfaces, latest standard security protocols and most powerful AI/ML frameworks such as TensorFlow/Keras, PyTorch, MLPack, R, RASA, OpenAI.
- Interacting with end users in natural languages using conversational AI and rich, easy to understand analytics in dashboards, reports, events, alarms in web/mobile apps (Android/iOS/Windows/Linux) and smart speakers at home.
- Running in secure kubernetes cloud clusters ensuring data privacy and GDPR