Emma – the life assistant
The Know-Center, Austria’s leading research institution for Big Data and Data-Driven Business has a strong focus on Active Assisted Living. As such it has developed the digital tool EMMA, which can be easily integrated in to the household of older people. Emma communicates with the person in need of care via speech and visual signals. Moreover, the digital assistant helps organize the care of older people. It does so by helping cares or family members to find service providers who can do the shopping, mow the lawn or cook for their older relatives.
In other words, Emma represents a digital marketplace for caregivers, but by no means its creators seek to replace the contact with the family. “Above all in care, the focus should and must remain on the individual,” emphasized Hermann Stern. “Regardless of whether it’s about maintaining health, home care, or work-life balance – digital solutions can provide decisive support without monitoring or replacing the contact with family members.”, concluded the Business Area Manager of Know-Center.
EMMA also offers various support modules, such as drinking and appointment reminders. Thanks to Emma older people can enjoy living independently in their homes. The voice-controlled assistant connects service providers with support modules to provide more safety as well as comfort at home. The base station with integrated voice assistant forms the heart of Emma. It is controlled by voice or with manual triggering at the touch of a button. In this way, Emma networks all functions in the home for more security and comfort. All functions of Emma are modular and can be individually combined.