In an interview with Dr. Blanca Ayala, who is an associate professor at Rovira I Virgilli University in Spain, PlatformUptake.eu learned more on the SoCaTel project and collected some insights on the development and implementation of the connected SoCaTel platform.
According to the interviewee, the co-design of the SoCaTel platform resulted from the integrated work of the technical team, social researchers and co-creation experts who translated users’ needs and preferences expressed into functional requirements for the platform.
The SoCaTel platform simultaneously empowers citizens’ voices and generate business opportunities for SME’s and entrepreneurs. SoCaTel has been scaled-up by means of the SoCaTel twinning (funded by the Project DigitalHealthEurope) with ISRAA, an institution in charge of older adults’ care in the region of Veneto (Italy). ISRAA has carried out digital co-creation which has become a useful tool in the Covid-19 context (participating also in the ValueCare H2020 Project, ID: 875215) and implementing the full adoption of the platform.
The SoCaTel platform is an open-source platform accessible in GitHub (github.com/SoCaTel) or by means of a URV spin-off in charge of facilitating its uptake by public administrations across Europe. Moreover, policy recommendations for fostering co-creation processes and digitalisation of LTC services were proposed based on the planning, conducting and evaluation of the co-creation process.
As a tool for ideation of more cost/efficient social and care services to be transferred to society, SoCaTel has already had societal impacts, being ahead of its time in a Covid-19 context. It can provide support for end-users and/or their families and communities when needed, while introducing, spreading and improving co-creation methods within social and care institutions.
Please click here to watch the full recording of the video interview with Dr. Ayala, and other providers of open platforms in the AAL and AHA domains.