Benefits and challenges on the path towards the uptake of open platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) domain
The video series “Voices from the Industry” presents a collection of interviews which were conducted with relevant stakeholders from the ecosystem of open platforms in the active and healthy ageing (AHA) domain.
Some of the presented and commented platforms are key European domain-related solutions which are relevant to and serve as a basis for PlatfromUptake.eu project’s work. Here to mention, among others universAAL, FIWARE, and Ucap.
During the interviews interviewees kindly shared their point of view and knowledge with regard to existing open platforms and their benefits for the user groups, but also highlight the challenges on the path towards a larger uptake of such open platforms. The video series reports on some trends and promising developments in the field and highlights the role of PlatformUptake.eu to support the widespread implementation of current and future solutions.
The videos are available now also on the project’s YouTube channel!