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IOT Platform for e-helath adn smart cities. (EKoSmart)
01.08.2016 - 31.07.2019
The purpose of the EkoSmart program is to develop a smart city ecosystem with all the support mechanisms necessary for efficient, optimized and gradual integration of individual areas into a unified and coherent system of value chains. The program focuses on three key domains of smart cities: health, active living and mobility; and forms strategic relationships with municipalities and other areas of smart cities, such as energy, smart buildings, involvement of citizens, smart communities, etc. EkoSMART introduces the universal architecture of a smart city, based on the combination of self-learning and self-optimizing agents able to find a common Nash equilibrium even between inhomogeneous sources; this architecture enables the realization of all the concepts of smart cities, such as interoperability, self-adaptivity and self-configurability, open data, semantic interoperability, and integration of social capital. In terms of economy, the vision of the EkoSmart program is to launch Slovenian solutions in the field of smart cities on the world market. The realization of this vision is based on several major approaches: concentration of knowledge and experience, focus on the user, evolutionary development, and flexible architecture.

Joining up ICT and service processes for quality integrated care in Europe (SmartCare)
2013 - 2016
SmartCare services will provide full support to cooperative delivery of care, integrated with self-care and across organisational silos, including essential coordination tools such as shared data access, care pathway design and execution as well as real time communication support to care teams and multi-organisation access to home platforms.

Learning from integrated eCare practice and promoting deployment in European regions (BeyondSilos)
01.02.2014 - 28.02.2017
BeyondSilos enables delivery of integrated care to older Europeans to support them to live independently within the community by providing the ICT tools necessary to join up care pathways across organisations, in particular between social and health service providers. The ICT platform will enable regionally customised integrated care models based on common care pathways aligned with the SmartCare Pilot A currently in the implementation phase.

make it ReAAL (ReAAL)
16.03.2013 - 30.06.2016
Building on the UniversAAL research project, which was launched in 2010, REAAL aims to demonstrate the advantages of using open and flexible ICT solutions as basis for flexible and personalised delivery of a range of services needed for independent and active living of older people. The project will measure the return of investment based on pilot deployment of services to more than 7.000 users across seven countries in Europe and will contribute to action group C2 (Independent Living) of the EIP on AHA.

Managing active and healthy aging with use of caring service robots (MARIO)
01.02.2015 - 31.01.2018
MARIO addresses the difficult challenges of loneliness, isolation and dementia in older persons through innovative and multi-faceted inventions delivered by service robots. The effects of these conditions are severe and life-limiting. They burden individuals and societal support systems. Human intervention is costly but the severity can be prevented and/or mitigated by simple changes in self-perception and brain stimulation mediated by robots.

Middleware platform for empowering cognitive disabled and elderly (MPOWER)
01.10.2006 - 31.03.2009
MPOWER defined and implemented an open platform to simplify and speed up the task of developing and deploying services for persons with cognitive disabilities and elderly. The platform will in particular support: 1 Integration of SMART HOUSE and sensor technology; 2 Interoperability between profession and institution specific systems (e.g. Hospital Information System); 3 Secure and safe information management, including both social and medical information; and 4 Mobile users which often change context and tools.
Motivating platform for elderly networking, mental reinforcement and social interaction (SOCIABLE)
01.05.2009 - 31.10.2012
The SOCIABLE services have been successfully deployed across seven pilot sites (including hospitals, care/leisure and day centers) in four European countries (Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain). These pilot sites were operated by end-user partners of the project, while they were supported by medical and technical partners of the project in terms of medical and ICT aspects respectively.
Multi-level integration for patients with complex needs (CareWell)
2014 - 2017
CareWell will enable the delivery of integrated healthcare to frail elderly patients in a pilot setting through comprehensive multidisciplinary integrated care programmes where the role of ICTs can foster the coordination and patient centered delivery care. Carewell focuses in particular on complex, multi-morbid elderly patients, who the patients most in need of health and social care resources (35% the total cost of Health Care System) and more complex interventions due to their frailty and comorbidities.