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A global ecosystem for the independent and healty living of elder people with mild cognitive impairments. (ehcoBUTLER)
01.01.2015 - 31.03.2022
The main objective of ehcoBUTLER is to demonstrate the socio-economic benefits from the deployment of several innovative and user led ICT pilot projects based on different business models in order to be able to translate promising results into scalable practice across Europe.
Acceptable robotiCs COMPanions for AgeiNg Years (ACCOMPANY)
01.10.2011 - 30.09.2014
ACCOMPANY provides a robotic companion as part of an intelligent environment. It helps older people to live independently at home by providing physical, cognitive and social assistance in everyday home tasks. ACCOMPANY contributes to the re-enablement of the user by assisting him or her to carry out tasks independently. Services to the user will be delivered through socially interactive, acceptable and empathic interaction, building on computational models of social cognition and interaction.

Accessibility and Usability Validation Framework for AAL Interaction Design process (VAALID)
01.05.2008 - 30.04.2011
VAALID project aims at creating new tools and methods that facilitate the process of creation, construction and deployment of technological solutions in the context of AAL assuring that they are accessible and usable for senior citizens. The main objective of the project is to develop a 3D-Immersive Simulation Platform for computer aided design and validation of User-Interaction subsystems that improve and optimise the accessibility features of Ambient Assisted Living services for the social inclusion and independent living.

ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well (ACTIVAGE)
01.01.2017 - 30.09.2020
ACTIVAGE is a European Multi Centric Large Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments. The main objective is to build the first European IoT ecosystem across 9 Deployment Sites (DS) in seven European countries, reusing and scaling up underlying open and proprietary IoT platforms, technologies and standards, and integrating new interfaces needed to provide interoperability across these heterogeneous platforms, that will enable the deployment and operation at large scale of Active & Healthy Ageing IoT based solutions and services, supporting and extending the independent living of older adults in their living environments, and responding to real needs of caregivers, service providers and public authorities. The project will deliver the ACTIVAGE IoT Ecosystem Suite (AIOTES), a set of Techniques, Tools and Methodologies for interoperability at different layers between heterogeneous IoT Platforms and an Open Framework for providing Semantic Interoperability of IoT Platforms for AHA, addressing trustworthiness, privacy, data protection and security. User-demand driven interoperable IoT-enabled Active & Healthy Ageing solutions will be deployed on top of the AIOTES in every DS, enhancing and scaling up existing services, for the promotion of independent living, the mitigation of frailty, and preservation of quality of life and autonomy. ACTIVAGE will assess the socio-economic impact, the benefits of IoT-based smart living environments in the quality of life and autonomy, and in the sustainability of the health and social care systems, demonstrating the seamless capacity of integration and interoperability of the IoT ecosystem, and validating new business, financial and organizational models for care delivery, ensuring the sustainability after the project end, and disseminating these results to a worldwide audience. The consortium comprises industries, research centres, SMEs, service providers, public authorities encompassing the whole value chain in every Deployment Site.
Ageing well in the community and at home: developing digital competencies of care workers to improve the quality of life of older people (Carer+)
01.04.2012 - 31.03.2015
The CARER+ partnership proposed the deployment of a specifically designed technological environment for self and professional development, supported by a blended-learning approach with peer-to-peer and intergenerational learning methodology.

Ambient Intelligence for the networked home environment (AMIGO)
01.09.2004 - 29.02.2008
The Amigo project developed open, standardized, interoperable middleware and attractive user services for the networked home environment. Fifteen of Europe's leading companies and research organizations in mobile and home networking, software development, consumer electronics and domestic appliances had joined together in the Amigo project to develop an integrated interoperable home networking framework. Amigo was an IST-funded IP project.

Combing social interaction and long term monitoring for promoting independent living (GIRAFF+)
01.01.2012 - 31.12.2014
GIRAFF+ develops a system for early detection and adaptive support to people's changing needs related to ageing. The Giraff+-system consists of a network of home sensors that measure e.g. blood pressure and temperature, or detect e.g. whether somebody occupies a chair, falls down or moves inside a room. The Giraff is effectively a mobile communication platform, with video camera, display, microphone and speakers, which helps the user to maintain his/her social contacts.

Dementia Ambient Care: Multi-Sensing Monitoring for Intelligent Remote Management and Decision Support (Dem@Care)
01.11.2011 - 31 .10.2015
Dem@Care aspires to contribute to the timely diagnosis, assessment, maintenance and promotion of self-independence of people with dementia, by deepening the understanding of how the disease affects their everyday life and behaviour