Personal Health Digital Twins
Use Cases
Health Care and Prevention Care Accessible Housing Indoor Climate Environment Building Surveillance Falls Person Localization Emergency Management and Alarms Orientation Consulting, Coaching and AssistanceTechnologies
Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Big Data IoT Deep learning WearablesDescription
The Intelligent Personal Digital Twin application runs at AI-, Big Data- and IoT - driven platform PharosN and works as personal dedicated Virtual Nurse at home having basic medical knowledge, intelligence and ability to speak like a human, reminding, recommending in time and asking about health and well being. It, however, fundamentally differs from people in the non-human ability to continuously collect and automatically analyse a large number of biometric and other data about psychological state of its host person during the conversations and measuring living conditions. Having such knowledge that is updated in real time, the Intelligent Digital Twin informs its host and caregivers about actual or predictable critical health and safety situations and provides relevant recommendations in the intelligent conversational interactions similar to a real human being.
- Communicates with the person at home and his/her caregivers over mobiles and smart speakers in natural language
- Helps to set and keep planned daily schedule (medications, procedures, visits, etc.)
- Continuously measure major biometrics (vital signs, activities, weight, etc.)
- Analyses the health & wellbeing status in real time and as prediction
- Interprets the results and provide the person with recommendations, reminders and prescriptive analytics
- Helps to set remote access to analytics KPIs and set the working / health managing sessions with formal caregivers