MedMinder Medication Management

Use Cases
Drowsiness Medication reminder Home care Body and Vital Data Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
Automatic pill dispenser


MedMinder pill dispenser is the most effective and affordable medication management solution available to improve medication adherence to above 90%. Besides enabling personal interventions from caregivers and family members, MedMinder offers users a sense of comfort, independence, and companionship.

MedMinder pill dispenser looks like a basic seven-day pillbox. Designed with ease of use in mind, its simple and friendly interface has no digital readouts or buttons. The medication dispenser contains 28 compartments for a week supply of medication and can accommodate dozens of different types of pills.

Licence: $39.95 monthly subscription; $119.85 quarterly subscription; $479.40 annual subscription;


A system that easily understood with a high efficiency;
helps out caregivers & family members to locate where the resident is about to leave the building;


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