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Comparing and Evaluating Open Source E-learning Platforms
This paper explaines how to evaluate Open source E-learning Platforms and integrate some of them to produce new platform with great capabilities, flexibility and efficiency.
Convergence of IoT and product lifecycle management in medical health care
This paper solves first problem by integrating IoMT with Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), to regulate the information transfer from one entity to another and between devices in an efficient and accurate way.
Data Protection in Elderly Health Care Platforms
In this paper it is presented the iGenda project, which is a Cognitive Assistant inserted in the Ambient Assisted Living area which aims to build safe environments that adapt themselves to one’s individual needs. However, one of the issues is the protection of the data flowing within the system and the protection of user’s fundamental rights. It is also presented the principles and legal guarantees of data protection and transmission, and legal aspects are explained, embracing appropriate solutions to technological features that may be a threat.
Definition and differences of KPIs and metrics
The article addresses what is a KPI , what is a metric , what are the differences between the two , and finally, show ssome examples to clarify the concepts and better appreciate the differences.
Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de uma Plataforma Colaborativa Digital para Educação e Tomada de Decisão Médica Baseada em Evidências.
Document about Development and Evaluation of a Digital Collaborative Platform for Education and Evidence-Based Medical Decision Making.
Development and Evaluation of a Collaborative Digital Platform for Evidence-Based Medical Education and Decision Making
Based on the understanding of the obstacles to access to traditional medical summary platforms, as well as the possibilities of overcoming these obstacles, this paper proposed the development of a new digital platform to aid medical decision making, considering evidence-based medical summaries, gamified and with content created through crowdsourcing , available for access on smartphones , tablets and computers.
Digital healthcare technology adoption by elderly people: A capability approach model
This paper develops a theoretical model of adoption of digital healthcare technologies that support independent living applying the CA framework.
Digital Platforms: A Brief Introduction
This blog entry briefly introduces Digital Transformation and Digital Platforms and their components