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A Study of More Than 250 Platforms Reveals Why Most Fail
Platforms have become one of the most important business models of the 21st century. The problem is that platforms fail at an alarming rate. By identifying the sources of failure, managers can avoid the obvious mistakes. To understand why and how platforms fail, this study tried to identify as many failed American platforms as possible over the last twenty years that competed with the 43 successful platforms.
A Survey of Blockchain-Based Strategies for Healthcare
This study aims to address research into the applications of the blockchain healthcare area. It sets out by discussing the management of medical information, as well as the sharing of medical records, image sharing, and log management
A survey on healthcare data security in wireless body area networks
This paper presents the systematic literature review (SLR) of the multiple security schemes for WBAN. We have identified a research question to analyses the possibility of several attacks while preserving the memory constraints
A Survey on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing for Healthcare
An in-depth review of IoT privacy and security issues, including potential threats, attack types, and security setups from a healthcare viewpoint is conducted. Finally, this paper analyzes previous well-known security models to deal with security risks and provides trends, highlighted opportunities, and challenges for the IoT-based healthcare future development
About Reach2020
D8.2: Design, Technology, and IP analysis + Management of intellectual property rights for efficient and fast exploitation of project results
Website with content regarding the ACTIVAGE
ACTIVAGE Association
Website with content about ACTIVAGE Association - created for the project's sustainability
Video with the example Use Cases in AHA that have been implemented in the project